We are delighted that the Office for His Royal Highness has sent us a note of thanks for our book of condolences. What a thoughtful touch and a great undertaking considering how many must have been sent to him!
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Happy / Sad / Happy News: It’s happy news for Mrs Thompson (excellent TA in Cherry Class) that she has secured a new role in secondary education as a teacher of English!It is obviously sad for us to lose such as skilled professional, but we 
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The sun sets on a calendar year 2022 at Thurlbear. Huge thanks for your support keeping our children safe, happy and learning at this school. 2022 hasn’t been without its challenges, but we have all worked together and long may that continue…. Have a blessed 
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A potentially valuable app to have on your phones, from the Musgrove Team. I think it gives advice on numerous ailments prevalent in your lives! HANDi Paediatric – Apps on Google Play
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An advice film from Musgrove Park Hospital which some families might find useful over the Christmas period (Scarlet fever / Strep A). I will post it here so you can look at it whenever anyone needs it: https://app.frame.io/reviews/8423aee1-c862-4eb8-b85c-3e7fdf064b73/03094013-f3b6-490c-ab1f-e97f6e249050
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I hope families enjoyed the Key Stage 2 Carols as much as we did! As a small celebration of our last day, tomorrow, pupils are welcome to replace their Thurlbear jumper with a Christmassy alternative, tomorrow! So, usual uniform with a snazzy jumper!
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Tomorrow, our Key Stage 2 classes make the journey over to St Mary’s Church, Stoke St Mary, for our Carol Service. This is an event that we have not done for some years! • We will be walking from school – with a PCSO escort 
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Well, it was a wonderful morning visitor that we had…there were a few clues put out, but we could not make it public due to the weather conditions; it was a last-minute military exercise in every sense of the term and no-one wanted to excite 
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UPDATE: We have a confirmed case of Strep A in school, so please be vigilant with your child’s health over the weekend and into the next school week. PLEASE read my last blog post: https://www.thurlbear.somerset.sch.uk/guidance-from-uksha/ If you are in any doubt, and your child is 
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The Christmas Post Box at Thurlbear is up and running! Our Values Team are being helpful elves and sorting cards. It is lovely receiving a card after lunch in our delivery service! It also helps that all children open them at the same time and 
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