Thanks to all families attending, today. The sun truly shone on the righteous, this afternoon in our Key Stage 2 Harvest celebration. Your wonderful contributions have been packed away in Mrs F-B’s car and on their way to Open Door charity in Taunton. Pupils’ holiday 
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Tomorrow’s going-home plan in a nutshell! Key Stage 2 will hold their Harvest Celebration on the playground for all those families that can make it. We envisage 30mins and then you are welcome to take your child home with you; younger siblings can obviously go 
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Glancing through various excellent class stories on Class Dojo , I can see teachers have shared the details for Thursday and our Harvest celebrations. This was shared on the Pine Class story: Harvest Festival Service – key stage 2 All of the children in key 
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Here is our latest newsletter! Huge thanks to all families that made it in for our consultations, this week.
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Good afternoon: just a few notices to share with families: It was great to see so many families back in school for our consultations and we look forward to seeing the remaining families of Thursday. It has been a long time since doing them, so 
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I hope you all enjoy being back in school, today and Thursday, for our pupil consultations! For anyone that has not yet experienced one (a lot of families!): We try and keep to our 10mins slots as best as we can. Your teachers have times 
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We still have a number of overdue payments requests for our after school sports clubs and ukulele! Please check if you have paid and contact our Office Team ASAP, as we are planning our next set of clubs for after half term and would like 
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We currently have 8 staff unavailable due to illness, so there is a huge strain on our general human resource! But we plough on with our efforts to deliver the best in learning we can, including some fantastic cricket sessions, with Thom Bunker and the 
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Here is our latest newsletter for all families. Thanks to all pupils, this week, for their hard work and positive attitude across the classes. every family that has visited, so far, has praised them on their focus, happiness and atmosphere in every class.
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As mentioned in our newsletter 23rd September, The after school sports clubs are due from families, please. The amounts are as follows: Street Surfing – £10 Years 5 and 6 Football – £12 Year 3 Football – £12 Years 5 and 6 Tag Rugby – 
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