Thanks to all the families who supported our Christmas Raffle, today! It promises to be a great set of hampers. Monday, we will bring out our Christmas post box where pupils can drop in their cards for friends. We are minimising items from home, still, 
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Our next Dress Down Friday 3rd December, tomorrow! To support our brilliant PTA Christmas raffle, families are asked to bring in a contribution of the following colour: Chestnut – Red Rowan – Green Cherry – Blue Hazel – Yellow Willow – Orange Pine – Black 
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Our newsletter, this week, has lots of information regarding a range of items. Please contact the Office Team if you need any more information!
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This week’s newsletter. Well done to all pupils for a brilliant week of learning and living at Thurlbear.
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Good eveningWe have both pupil and staff COVID cases, currently, which will affect our day to day activities and procedures around school, this week. Please help us combat the transmission of this virus by maintaining your own checks on you and your family. If your 
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Here is our newsletter for this week. It includes lots of learning from around the school, but do keep checking your Class Dojos for personalised messages from teachers!
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Kings’ Cross Country Event is ON, this Monday, 15th November, 4pm start. This is an event for Key Stage 2, but may be more suitable for Years 5 and 6. This event is not a school competition, so parents / carers are expected, by Kings, 
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Today, the Director of Public Health for Somerset is advising schools to remain in an Amber warning state until the end of November. The request is as follows: “Following the letter to each school dated 21.10.21, from the Director of Public Health for Somerset, we have again risk 
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Some months ago, I told you all that we would be getting speed advisory signs up outside school. Currently, it is still national speed limit, which seems scandalous. There had been no movement on this, and I didn’t want anyone to think this had been 
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Parent Governor Election: Today, a voting paper will come home with your child. On this, there will be 3 candidates who have all provided a statement of how they feel they could contribute to the life of Thurlbear School as a governor. The government has 
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