SIMS360 Pay are having technical difficulties (for once, it isn’t us). This is their message – essentially, it is work in progress so ring SCHOOL if you need anything urgently: Registration Delay when registering 15/09/2021 15:00 – We are aware that there have been significant issues 
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The start of the new school year feels, from our point of view, like it has gone brilliantly. Having parents/carers picking up face to face again, meaning we can go back to full learning hours, has gone amazingly well and even our historic problem of 
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We are delighted to announce our dates for any families of new starters 2022. Due to safety protocols, we will be limiting our numbers, so sign up quick if you want to look around. Please do share this with anyone you know who may be 
Read more Chestnut, Rowan and Cherry families! Mini Crickets is an 10 week programme designed for boys and girls in reception, or school years 1 and 2 and takes place in The Centre of Excellence at the Cooper Associates County Ground, Taunton. The course is delivered 
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Our first newsletter is a weighty read! Anything missing will be picked up in following publications, but please do email us if there is anything specific you need to know, urgently. Have a great weekend and may God go with you. 🙂
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DRESS DOWN FRIDAY, tomorrow! The rest of the year DDFs will be mapped out for families in our newsletter, tomorrow.
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THANK YOU for your efforts around pick-up (drop off feels/looks successful). As a school, we have just tweaked the Y6 pick-up by 5 mins (3:25, as cars are already queued) to allow the flow of traffic to improve, which HONESTLY did work, today! When you 
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A quick precis of the first morning from our point of view!It looked like a fine start to the new school year at drop-off time, considering it is the first day back. It was so lovely to see adults and pupils together albeit still being 
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A couple of queries and answers: – Years 5 and 6 lunches: For the first cycle (3 weeks), Years 5 and 6 will need to bring in a packed lunch, please. This is so we can monitor the success of having the rest of the 
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As an additional point to the last blog post, I have spoken to Mrs Ayres (not a only a brilliant TA but also a valuable parent-link) just to firm up the message regarding drop-off: In the morning, YOU can decide whether to use the drop-off 
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