The Diocese Team have created some excellent Christian Values Bible Chat Mats which, they hope, will go nationwide very soon. We were given exclusive access top these mats and I tried them out with our Year 6s. There were received very well and I made 
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Thank you to those that have returned slips and contributions for Friday’s creative Clay Day. It promises to be a very practical morning. Currently, just less than 25% of families have not returned their slip. As reiterated previously, this is part of our art delivery 
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One of our 6yr olds has just come to me with her book. This is the start of her story. I have copied it as she has written it. All punctuation and word choices are hers…..Enjoy. Once upon a time there lived a prince and 
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It has been an incredibly busy week at Thurlbear, with lots going on. Here is our newsletter for this week. Have a blessed weekend, everyone.
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Safeguarding appeal: Drop-offs: Please join our queues to drop off your child in the mornings. We completely appreciate that you have busy lives, but it can be dangerous pupils walking across the exit for cars. The system is working well and quite swift; please do 
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Our latest newsletter can be found, here! Have a blessed weekend, everyone. Mr Gillan
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Good morning.Many of you will know of the incredibly sad passing of Mr Edwards, a former parent of Thurlbear and, therefore, part of our extended school family. I follow him on Strava and it would regularly pop up with the odd 46-mile ultra marathon from 
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Our weekly newsletter! Have a great weekend, everyone, and may God go with you…
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Many apologies, everyone, but I have had to cancel the photographs, today. Our photographer did not have any indoor-backdrop scenes and I did not feel outdoors up at Thurlbear, today, was great for standing around. And now it is raining! Many apologies to all who 
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Good morning, everyone. Don’t struggle on without asking for help: a message from Jayne Couzins” I am a Village Agent working with the Food Resilience Task Force within the Community Council for Somerset. I am writing to raise awareness of food supplies currently available in 
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