Here is our latest newsletter for the start of Term 3! A huge thanks to all those who entered the Easter competitions organised by our PTA. The entries were amazing and winners’ names are in the newsletter!
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Good morning everyone! Just a few notices – and apologies, but they will be repeated in this week’s newsletter, too: Huge thanks for your entries to the PTA Easter competitions! There have been some wonderful creations made over the holiday and myself, Mrs Carter and 
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Every half term, I will be taking a look at the highlights from our pupils, celebrating the way in which they have lived out our Christian values of Thankfulness, Hope, Friendship, Wisdom and Trust. Since returning on the 8th, we have focussed on Friendship and 
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Lunch update Thursday:I am told that tomorrow will be PORK and not BEEF as specified on the menu, due to a change in the suppliers’ options. Apologies if this causes any upset in pupil choices.
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We have just taken delivery of our Easter Hamper Raffle prizes!The quantity and quality is overwhelming and we cannot thank enough YOU, the donators and the class reps for the packing and time it must have taken. It is a wonderful sight!What we need now 
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Here is our latest newsletter. As always, thanks for your support.
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PTA Easter Competition!Something for over the holidays for our families to have fun with!A slip has come home with details…return your slip to school (with the £1 per entry) and then all entry photos of your creations to the address all by 19th April 
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Our latest newsletter can be found here:
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Dress Down Friday, tomorrow! Please give your best-Easter-hamper donations to your child to bring in. These will be boxed up by Mrs Carter and me tomorrow morning and passed on to Parent class reps. Anything you can give would be most welcome for the Easter 
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Did the lockdown bring out your hidden depths in your skill-set? Are you looking to take on a wonderfully rewarding challenge? Take a look at the advert below and, if you think you tick the boxes, then get in touch! Tel: 01823 442277  Email: 
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