Here is our newsletter celebrating the return of all pupils to school and including some important notices:
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LFD Testing:I have contacted Somerset Council Public Health consultants to discuss the position on lateral flow device testing in primary schools, moving forwards. They said:”Primary age pupils will not be tested with LFDs. Public Health England have advised there are currently limited public health benefits 
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Here is the hot lunch menu for the remaining school weeks before the Easter break (4 weeks). A menu will be sent out shortly for you to resume ordering for after Easter.
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3,2,1:1. I hope your families enjoyed today’s session. I have had some lovely feedback and the photos are coming through of some great designs! 2. Tomorrow is Dress Down Friday. please don’t forget your contribution. 3. As we are all back to school on Monday, 
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Tomorrow, we hold our World Book Day events, including a session with brilliant artist Darrell Wakelam!Our classes will be joining in a live Google Classroom session with him and you can, too, from home! A reminder:sign into Google classroom using your child’s usual sign-in click 
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The whole school staff is delighted to be able to send out our ‘return to school’ letter, detailing what you need to know for March 8th. Please read it carefully and get back to us should there be anything else we can help with!
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Here are our INSET dates (green) included in the overall holiday dates for the academic year 2021 – 2022. We have tried to look at the opportunities to attach INSET dates onto existing holidays, so that families can maximise the potential for any breaks being 
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Good morning, everyone.After yesterday’s announcement, please allow us some time to digest the govt. guidance, plan suitably for the safe and systematic return of our children, and to find my sunglasses so my eyes are not damaged by that bright light at the end of 
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Good afternoon, everyone! I hope your half term has started well. Here is a message that I wrote Friday evening at school but it failed to post!A huge thank you to all families for their efforts, this half term, whether at home or coming to 
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We are still struggling with some intermittent internet up here, so apologies to Chestnut Class that poor Miss Kelloway ‘froze’ in the middle of Oi Frog!As we maintain our online presence in Google Classroom, Class Dojo and Tapestry, we fully appreciate how technical issues can 
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