In light of Mental Health Week, Miss Crook wanted to do something to bring our children together in this challenging times, So, along with Mr Gunstone, she spent many hours trawling through Class Dojo and Tapestry, liaising with teachers, to find the many, many photos 
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Morning Update: The Internet and server issues have not been fixed across the weekend and so we are still without Internet and our server in school. Teachers will be delivering live sessions from home, so we do not lose our momentum with these sessions. They 
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We have an emergency contact number 01823 444087 should you need to contact us for any health / safeguarding issue. This is our fax line, as the main line is down, as well no Internet access!
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There is a national internet issue with a particular company, meaning our live lessons, dojo, tapestry and website are all down, today. We are very sorry for this, but it is beyond our control. Any communications online can only be done through phone network connections, 
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In support of Mental Health Week, this is an OPTIONAL ‘thing’ you can get involved in, from Miss Crook, our PSHE Leader. Please, if you feel you have enough plates to spin, ignore this! To help raise awareness for children’s mental health at Thurlbear School 
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IMPORTANT:To add to our current challenges, it seems Mrs Moore’s email system may have been compromised by nefarious means. Please immediately delete any correspondence you have from her. If it IS genuine, then we will simply email you again from our office team or myself. 
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Good afternoon, everyone.I hope you have all had the best week possible for you and your family. A massive thanks for your commitment to your home education and the effort you are all putting in to spin your personal plates. The work being produced is 
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Dear Parents and Carers Remote Learning Somerset School leaders are working tirelessly to ensure that learning continues for young people in Somerset during the current lockdown, and with increasingly high numbers of keyworker children in many schools. Understandably, some parents and carers will find home 
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Thanks to all families for your continuing efforts at home with the learning, living and staying safe. It is a real pleasure dropping into daily lessons and observing the teaching, the interaction and involvement of both pupils and – sometimes – parents/carers! There is so 
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Online live sessions have been a success, so far. Our teachers have done a great job getting regular sessions up and running quickly and efficiently, with a variety of activities on offer. Feedback from families – including pupils – has been excellent across the school. 
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