As you can see, this will be the LIVE sessions timetable, as a school overview. Your specific class timetables will be launched by teachers showing specific timings and details for these sessions, as well as for the recorded sessions (accessible anytime, too, on our class 
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Thank you for allowing us the time, today, to organise our approach to the next 6 weeks of this new term. We have used our time organise the route ahead. Please do NOT be overwhelmed or stressed by the thought of the weeks ahead or 
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Workflow for us and you. We are absolutely committed to improving the experience, this time: – I am on emails as from now and have already had some families contact regarding spaces tomorrow. Please do email any time. Ring tomorrow from 7:45am. – Tomorrow, teachers 
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JUST IN:I have just, this second, received a message from Somerset County Council Assistant Director of Education:“In order for schools to take account of this rapidly changing situation, we are recommending that all schools in Somerset open for children of key workers and vulnerable pupils 
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Well, I can reliably inform you that the school is well-ventilated, as I have sat in my coat for the last 7 hours. Thanks to those families who have contacted me and expressed their views on school and safety. None of this is a simple 
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Good evening, everyone. I hope your new year has started well.There is a little bit of deja vu in the information I am delivering, here, so apologies if this feels like we are covering the same end to 2020! Tomorrow is our INSET Day, as 
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A huge thanks for all the messages received, this term. I hope you all have a blessed Christmas time with those that you love. Still to come is the Key Stage 2 Christmas through Carols film, but I’d like to share with you our Merry 
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A fantastic effort from a fantastic team. Thanks so much to you and our PTA for your support in such a strange, different and complex term.
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The upcoming COVID guidelines sound a little confusing, so I asked a PHE consultant at County to create a poster for our families… lots of detail, but gives an understanding of steps that can be taken.
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Winner galore!The Macey, Haylett, Cogan, Lewis,Prisk, Mogg, Cox, Mayhew, Gapper, Smith, Linthorne, McCaffrey, Vernon, Rice, Thomas, Taylor, Bisiker, Ollive, Radford, Prisco, Webb, Isaacs, Callard, Jarvis, Hibbitt, Forgham and Larder families are all celebrating a raffle prize, today! Thanks to everyone for your support. It was 
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