You can find our latest newsletter, here. Monday will see details come out of Harvest Gift ideas for our charity. Mrs Foster-Burnell is, once again, kindly volunteering to deliver the donations to the charity in question, so please look out for details to follow.
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To help families during Consultation Meetings, our front gates and office gate will be open to allow free access throughout the late afternoon and evening.This means our site will not be as secure as during the school day. Please be mindful if you have children 
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9.10.23: We are currently experiencing considerable strain on our workforce, as we have 4 members of staff off ill. Please bear with us if there is some disruption to our usual school day. It will also affect Family Consultation times, this week, but we will 
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Our latest newsletter can be found here: Huge well done to our Girls’ Football Team. Through to the Regional finals, again!
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It is DRESS DOWN FRIDAY, tomorrow (6th)!Please do send in your children in their own comfortable, happy clothes!
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Here is our last newsletter of September 2023! Incredible how the months fly by. It has been a great month of learning and living at Thurlbear. A huge welcome, also, to our Values Team for 2023.
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Good morning Just a quick message about hair! I have had communications, this morning, that some families have had to treat their children for headlice. Can you please have a sweep of your family and wear any longer hair up around school would be our 
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Our latest newsletter!
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Good afternoon Thanks to the parent ringing in to ask about Friday Worships, which are predominantly class-led. If you are not aware, we use a Friday Worship as a time to allow each class the opportunity to show their learning or understanding based our Christian 
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Our Class Dojo is down, currently, and we are getting a ‘whoops’ message on every click. If anyone is posting, we cannot access them. I have messaged the support service.
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