DRESS DOWN FRIDAY! To support the learning we have done around World Book Day (using the brilliant book Here We Are right across the school), we would like tomorrow’s Dress Down Friday to have the theme of HINT OF A BOOK……. So, children can come 
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Mr Gunstone is still unwell, meaning we will have to cancel today’s sports club for Years 2 and 3. Again, as yesterday, we will offer pupils a space in After School Club if you cannot collect your child.
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Sadly, Mr Gunstone is ill and, therefore, we will have to cancel our Tag Rugby after school.Normally, we try our best to keep clubs running and we would have enthusiastic staff to cover, but it is staff meeting day and governor training, meaning no one 
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On 2nd March, the NEU will be encouraging its members totake industrial action that will affect schools and academies inSomerset. Hopefully, there will be some breakthrough between government minstersand representatives in the meantime. Whilst all efforts are being made tomaintain essential services to our pupils, regrettablythe 
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On 2nd March, the NEU will be encouraging its members to take industrial action that will affect schools and academies in Somerset. Hopefully, there will be some breakthrough between government minsters and representatives in the meantime. Whilst all efforts are being made to maintain essential services 
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Coming home, today! I am delighted to see Healthy Metres matters again for next half term. Thanks to Ms Chapman, our parent helper, for running this and it is clearly inspiring Myla who smashed 16 LAPS, today, before school…about 4.8km!
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Instead of a newsletter, we will have a round-up! It has been a brilliant week; I know you have to take my word for it, but it has. Hopefully, our pupils think the same! The amount of high-quality work I have seen in children’s books, 
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Once again, the kindness and thoughtfulness of the Thurlbear family has shone through. In NOTES alone (so not including a pot-full of coins!), you have donated £200 to today’s Turkey and Syria collection. We will be handing this over to Mrs Hampson who has very 
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British humanitarian charities are to launch an appeal to raise funds for people affected by the earthquakes in Turkey and Syria. The Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC), which is co-ordinating a joint rapid response by 14 charities including the British Red Cross, Oxfam and Save the 
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