UPDATE: We have a confirmed case of Strep A in school, so please be vigilant with your child’s health over the weekend and into the next school week. PLEASE read my last blog post: https://www.thurlbear.somerset.sch.uk/guidance-from-uksha/ If you are in any doubt, and your child is 
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The Christmas Post Box at Thurlbear is up and running! Our Values Team are being helpful elves and sorting cards. It is lovely receiving a card after lunch in our delivery service! It also helps that all children open them at the same time and 
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7 December 2022Dear parents, guardians and carers,Re: Increase in scarlet fever and Group A Streptococcal infectionsWe are writing to inform you of a recent national increase in notifications of scarlet fever to the UKHealth Security Agency (UKHSA), above seasonal expected levels. We would like to 
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Yes, they do matter, but not when the conditions tomorrow are likely to be sub-zero! Therefore, we are cancelling our Friday morning running and will see families at their usual times.
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Many of you will be concerned by the news items of Strep A cases nationally. I just wanted to tell you that I have been in touch with Somerset County Council asking for the latest advice and guidance. SCC Public Health are preparing a statement 
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Final details for tomorrow! Due to our PTA Christmas Fair, we are making adaptations to our normal day which are necessary to make it as successful and safe as possible.– Our Dress Down Friday is to support the Fair, so please bring in either a 
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Thanks so much for your efforts, Thurlbear family!
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What a fabulous array of cakes and doughnuts! A HUGE thank you for all the donations, those of you selling cakes and especially those of you who bought cakes! Amazing job all round! You have raised an incredible £152 for the school!!!! More Friday Cake 
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Our newsletter for this week!
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