Wayfarers present Jack and the Beanstalk We have Thurlbear pupils both present and past featuring in this great Panto……and there are still spaces! Wed 12th Jan, 2022 7:30 pm Thu 13th Jan, 2022 6:00 pm Fri 14th Jan, 2022 7:30 pm Sat 15th Jan, 2022 
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Reminder: Following on from yesterday and the ‘flu vaccination information, if for any reason you do NOT want your child vaccinated in school, but have already registered them, then YOU will need to contact Somerset SAINTS directly on 0300 3230032 to have your child removed 
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Good afternoon, everyone! Here is a message regarding ‘flu vaccinations:Somerset SAINT (school aged immunisation nursing team) will be visiting our school on MONDAY 17th JANUARY to administer the nasal spray flu vaccination. If you have given permission for your child to have the vaccination please 
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It’s Dress Down Friday, so please do bring in your contributions of £1 if your child is in non-school uniform. You will have all noticed the colder weather, so please encourage them to wear appropriate clothing and stay warm! This also helps in classrooms which 
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Good morning and Happy New Year to you all. Wednesday 5th, is the first day back at school for pupils and we begin 2022 as we ended ’21. As of this morning, Primary Schools have been given no further guidance from our Local Authority on 
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That is it for 2021.Currently, we continue into 2022 as we are. There may well be an update for Heads and schools on December 31st (!), so I will update you when I know more.Have a wonderful blessed, festive season and thank you for your 
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HUGE thanks to Wilkie May & Tuckwood for choosing Thurlbear for a fantastic donation of non-fiction books from Usborne Publishing so many subjects covered from young to older pupils!
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There was a lot of Christmas joy in school, yesterday, as each class visited Father Christmas! A huge thank you to our PTA for helping with our gifts of books; just one way in which your support of your PTA enriches our lives in the 
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Our newsletter for this week!
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Apologies that our Multi-Skills on Friday has had to be cancelled due to a positive PCR test for Mr Gunstone; we will all see him again in 2022.This week’s newsletter will reiterate our key dates for the last week of a rollercoaster term, as well 
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