A Message for our Reception Class families: Yesterday, it came to our attention that there has been a positive adult case in a Chestnut family. Currently, we are awaiting the results for the child of that family. This presents a dilemma for me, as leader 
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Keep your summer upbeat and join our August Summer School. Open to anyone aged 10-18, our 5 day summer school will give your young person a fun packed week of top quality CYMT music and drama. It’s guaranteed to be inspiring, memorable and a great 
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Please find our weekly newsletter, here, with details of teachers for next year and July dates of interests, amongst other important information: Y1 families: your collective worship link can be found by logging into Class Dojo…..a lovely collection of videos put together with some very 
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Dear Parents/Carers We have a vacancy for a Parent Governor to join the governing body at Thurlbear.  Governors play a key role in the school. The Parent Governor is elected to give a parental perspective in discussions and decisions. The Governing Body is made up 
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I just wanted to send out a COVID update from our school point of view, as I know we have had conversations, today, with families regarding testing, isolating and protocols moving forwards. It is very difficult for people to understand at the moment – when 
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Anyone ordering over the next 2 days, please remember to choose Thurlbear as your Smile charity!
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Our latest newsletter can be found here. It is worth reading just for the fantastic photo at the end! It is a real reflection of the hard work and enjoyment in Year 2 and their Class Worship video reflects this. Families can find a secure 
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Our north-facing swift boxes are up! Next comes the ‘caller’…… We are delighted to be supporting swifts in Taunton and raising awareness. We will keep you updated!
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