Thanks to all families for your continuing efforts at home with the learning, living and staying safe. It is a real pleasure dropping into daily lessons and observing the teaching, the interaction and involvement of both pupils and – sometimes – parents/carers! There is so 
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Online live sessions have been a success, so far. Our teachers have done a great job getting regular sessions up and running quickly and efficiently, with a variety of activities on offer. Feedback from families – including pupils – has been excellent across the school. 
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Teachers inform me that we seem to be having disruption with our connectivity, today. Apologies for the disruption if it has affected your child’s lesson; possibly weather-related. Tuesday stats update for Class Dojo: plenty of online engagement from families and staff. Already, 310 videos and 
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Lots of schools have found that their communities struggle with having the requisite hardware at home. I know plenty of you are struggling on with a phone or older iPad, especially when you have more than one child learning at home – as well as 
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Monday, school opens back up for those pupils of key workers and any the school have consulted as vulnerable. No other cases have appeared, which is excellent news and I do feel our difficult decision has helped in controlling this. For those returning: Since our 
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During the Autumn term, Mr Gunstone carried out a series of timed runs around our field path, in line with a set distance for different year groups. These results were collated and entered into a regional league for Somerset School Games, under a variety of 
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I believe Class Dojo is experiencing very heavy traffic and isn’t quite working well, currently. Keep trying as teachers and TAs have access all through the school day. Fabulous PE session from Hazel Class! They have just worked their socks off (SW worked her hat 
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I hope everyone is doing well on this chilly afternoon. Again, I can only apologise for this distance-learning week ahead for us all. Hopefully, those families currently attending have been able to find alternative cover. Tomorrow, Mrs Parkman will be in to give areas a 
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My huge apologies for missing out any crucial information regarding the self-isolation period for the pupils. Public Health England’s advice is self-isolation to run from 6th January to 16th January, taking in the 10 days recommended. Thanks to those families emailing with questions; it helps 
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Sadly, I have to inform families that a member of our lunchtime staff has tested positive for COVID-19. Due to the nature of the role – working with our pupils in the school hall assisting with food, serving and cutting up – this poses a 
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