Dress Down Friday, Odd Socks and Rainbow Raffle!

Thanks to all the teachers reminding families about tomorrow’s Dress Down Friday. Miss Crook has led our thinking, this week, on the subject of Anti-Bullying. Pupils will know about ‘odd socks’ (please do ask them) and they are very welcome to wear odd socks, tomorrow!
I have also included a picture of Willow’s poem, which really hit me, Miss Warrington and Miss Crook hard – in a very positive sense. I spoke to her about this, concerned it was here at school:
“No, Mr G. The learning we have been doing at school and with my family has made me think about things outside school and helped me be strong if something was to happen to me.”

Learning who you can turn to – at home, in school, at places where you may do hobbies and sports – is so important and I thank Willow for her own powerful message. There is always someone to speak with!

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