Dress Down Friday – contribute to the hampers!

1. On 4th December Dress-Down Friday, please bring in an item colour-coded to your year group (shown on the poster). Even more brilliant if it is an item that would grace a lovely hamper! 2. Buy and sell as many raffle tickets as possible. Get cousin Frank 

FS and KS1 Nativity filmed!

Our Nativity, this year, will be filmed and made available via a secure online platform for all families to watch along. More details on how you can do this will be coming out, shortly.

World Book Day Online Live session

As you will be aware via a recent class dojo message, we have arranged for Darrell Wakelam to join us on Google Classroom to share some of his projects and support us in our World Book Day activities. Miss Warrington has created a special Thurlbear