Our email system is almost up to date; we have a brilliant technician in school helping us! So, your reports SHOULD now be with you on the email we hold for you. This includes separated parents. If you have not received it, please call into 
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Somerset libraries are calling for children to sign up to read six books this summer and become a ‘Gadgeteer’ as part of the Summer Reading Challenge 2022! The theme Gadgeteers, was inspired by science, imagination, and creativity and has been developed in partnership this year 
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I will put this out as a blog post on our website, too, rather than a full newsletter. You will also find it on Class Dojo, so apologies for the saturation, but different families like information in different places: – Next week, you will have 
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The weather has been perfect for our Sports Morning. Every pupil has been active on (approximately) 16 sport stations all run by our brilliant Year 6s. As we move into the afternoon, an appeal from me: As a school, you know we try our best 
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Tomorrow, our Sports day WILL go ahead. Although the weather is warm, the outlook is to be around 23C and so, with the correct mitigations in place, we can still enjoy a very popular day. We will have gazebos in place, water stations, pupils in 
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Thanks to Mrs Lock for helping me set these up, yesterday, for a bit of lunchtime shade! Thanks go to your PTA for purchasing these for school – just one of the little-but-important things you all raise money for. Today is a little more cloudy, 
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Health Week has begun at Thurlbear! Please see our overview for any details of what is being covered. Contact your teacher if you have any questions!
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There are still raffle tickets available to buy from our Office Team and will also be available to purchase on the day. The grand draw will a live event!
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Our newsletter for this week, including teacher year groups, new dates and the weeks ahead!
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The ‘Summer’ weather continues to cause havoc to our planning of events. Due to the impending weather forecast for Saturday – predicted rain overnight, as well before and during our fair timings – we have taken the decision to push our Summer Fair to Saturday 
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