Summer Sports, today for year 3 and 4, is ON because we can utilise the playground for this group with the field being out of use due to our current conditions.
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Sadly, the weather last night, our current heavy showers and the impending forecast means that we will be cancelling our sports day. We have tried to withhold a decision for as long as possible but fully appreciate that adults will appreciate a speedy decision so 
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COVID update: We have a growing number of cases, again, in school and this includes some staff, this week who are now off and quite unwell. The UK Health Security Agency now only want to know: ·         a higher than previously experienced and/or rapidly increasing number 
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Great raffle prizes for our Summer fair, this Saturday! SMIGGLE!!!
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I haver read a few OFSTED reports, today, which mention ‘enjoyable experiences’ and ‘inspiring learning’ at school being a cornerstone of progress at good and outstanding schools… Today, Years 5 and 6 worked on water rockets and were firing them the FULL length of the 
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Our Newsletter! If anyone has ANY questions regarding Sports Day, Wednesday, please Dojo a teacher from this Monday.
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Rev Joanna and Holly, our regular church friends, have been into school to lead on ‘Prayer Spaces’, along with some of the Open the Book team. The whole school got to experience their words of wisdom and joined in some great activities, all aimed at 
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Do you know anyone who would want to come and work in the Thurlbear family? We have a role for an experienced TA to work with a pupil in school from September…. “Someone who stands out; it’s not all about outstanding“…. Please do share….
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Here are the key dates for families regarding our next academic year. I have posted them on here so families can find them easily when browsing our latest news…
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Our cross country team looks like it is expanding with every competition we attend. Well done to these 10 runners, who competed in hot conditions, yesterday!
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