Good afternoon Disco Night: I will be attending both and will be accompanied by Miss Warrington, Miss Weech and Miss Quartly, so plenty of familiar faces.For safeguarding, please just let me know if anyone else is picking up your child(ren).
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Our Ofsted Report has been gone through its final checks and I can now share with families the overall findings. His Majesty’s Inspector carried out an ungraded inspection, meaning their primary question was: “Is this school still a good school?”. We become, I believe, only 
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It has been a very busy week after our half term break and the D Day commemorations have been front-and-centre of our thinking and prayers, this week. In Collective Worship yesterday, I was delighted to shared some of Mr Gunstone’s photos from his visit to 
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The girls’ cricket team have done it again… Back-to-back Taunton Area champions!
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A message from Tempest Photography: A message from Tempest Photography: ” Dear Parents,Have you ordered your school Group photo yet? A polite reminder that the closing date for free delivery back to school is Tuesday 4th June 2024. Order through the Tempest website using your 
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We have had a very busy half term, with many events, visitors and learning opportunities across our curriculum. Class Dojo and Tapestry are awash with fantastic photos and descriptions of the experiences our teachers have planned over the past few weeks. Only today (Friday), I 
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This is the list for After School Clubs for our last half term.Please return your slips and then we can populate the registers, set up the online payments and then it is ready for you to pay. Whilst on this subject, please ensure you are 
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Lunch orders: SchoolGrid are having technical difficulties, hence why families are yet to receive any email regarding registration for school lunches.You should receive an email FRIDAY for lunches after half term.If this timeline changes, we will notify you asap. Sorry for any confusion.
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SchoolGrid communication: Today, families will receive an email from SchoolGrid, giving information on how to order lunches for after half term (June 2024). Initially, only one parent will receive the email (their stipulation, not ours). Once this system is set up, we understand we will 
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With May Fair only a day away, I thought it would be prudent to go through some school notices: I am delighted that the weather looks to be holding out and I expect we will all have a good time to end a very, very 
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