Good afternoon, everyone. Don’t Forget: Dress Down Friday, tomorrow! Maybe an Easter egg for the PTA raffle or your usual £1 contribution! Buy your raffle tickets! Thanks so much for your support, this term. Tomorrow, in the newsletter, there will be some photos of the 
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Behavioural Science Study – Surveys Now Live The Behavioural Science Unit and Public Health Team at Somerset County Council plan to use your views to help support schools going forward regarding the ongoing COVID situation. They want to ensure they are providing the most useful 
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Our newsletter with lots of ‘stuff’! Thanks, everyone, and have a blessed weekend.
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A huge well done to the pupils, pictured, that attended cross country after school, yesterday. Again, a range of pupils from Years 3 through to 6 went along to test themselves over a challenging course. “I ran until I thought my legs would fall off!” 
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Here is our newsletter for this week! Have a great weekend in the sunshine.
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Tomorrow is Red Nose Day and we will support this with a Dress Down Friday theme of “GET REDDY FOR RED NOSE DAY!” Children are welcome to wear their red clothes (yes even Manchester United / Liverpool kits, I suppose)! PLEASE do not feel under 
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Here is our evidence that £100 (£125 with Gift Aid) has been donated on behalf of the Thurlbear family. Thank you for your efforts!
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The govt has sent us 4 laptops as part of the COVID catch-up package for all primary schools. Our tech support has checked their specification and concluded that they are not fit for purpose as a learning tool in school, as they do not have 
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Here is our newsletter for this week. Next week looks very busy both in and out of school! Have a blessed weekend, everyone!
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Please see our offer starting NEXT MONDAY for Years 2 through to 6. All pupils have brought these slips home, but we all know they can go missing! You can find the form, here:
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