It was a special moment at Thurlbear, yesterday, as we held our own 2-minute silence in honour of all those that have given their lives in wars and conflicts around the world. Our pupils, from 4 to 11, were impeccably behaved during the reflection time. 
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Our new website will, I am sure, open up new avenues of communication with our families. I am very excited to learn about the power of this blog and how we can use it to not only update you with key dates and events, but 
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We are so pleased to see so many happy faces back in school again!  Huge welcome to our new children on their first day at school and children joining and returning to school. It’s so good to see all the children motivated to learn, and 
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Here are the latest photos from our World Book Day!
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We hope you like our new website. We will be adding lots of new and exciting content over the coming weeks and months…keep watching…!
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