Your PTA have a message! “Come along to our meeting!On Thursday at 7pm at the Half Moon Inn!We will be mainly discussing the May fair, and would love all the help we can get! So please come along and we look forward to seeing you 
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Good morning, families. That was a wet and windy start to the Summer Term! Everyone is in and raring to go for a new term, despite the early conditions. Just a message to tell you all that School Gateway is currently having some technical issues, 
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Due to the persistent rain over the past 24hrs, our local routes are, once again, flooded. The rain continues to fall and is forecast to continue. I have personally driven to Stoke St Mary and would not advise ANYONE to travel through the village as 
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As Friday rolls into action, Years 3 and 4 have just performed a dress rehearsal to the whole school of ‘Roll Back the Stone’! They came out positively bouncing and I am very excited to see them in action, next week. It is a vital 
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Dress Down Friday, tomorrow, and please do bring in the colour-coded contribution! It promises to be a lovely, busy day! And – yes – the bear will be in the raffle!
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A reminder to all families to please return the Oliver Twist permission slips and £4 contribution back into school by Friday 22nd March, please. This is a FULL theatrical performance in our hall, including lights, music and live actors with a lavish set. It is 
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My Computer Club on a Friday has been a brilliant session and we have created a lot of digital content – including the digital banners you can see in this post (Lilly made the one, above!) Next week – 22nd – they will be creating 
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World Book Day has inspired some brilliant and creative moments right across school, this week. I have been so impressed with the quality of writing and art in particular, with some pieces showing such a considered and careful use of figurative language from Year 2s 
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February has flown by and meteorological Spring has now sprung, although the bitter winds were blowing at Thurlbear, today! Over the past 2 weeks and across the classes, we have seen a variety of quality learning experiences, including today (Friday) in Year 2, where Cherry 
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A news update from Ruth James, “Reducing Parental Conflict Coordinator“, Somerset Council: Reducing Parental Conflict update February 2024 Welcome I have made several changes to the support we can give parents who are struggling with unhealthy parental conflict. At the start of 2024, I am 
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